
Oatmeal Coconut Honey Raisin Cookies


Sometimes I am craved for oatmeal raisin cookies. This is a perfect snack with the sweet from raisin, honey and coconut, with no sugar. The key is to soak raisin before using. This way gives so much better taste of raisin.
I also have my recipe in Japanese so post the link at the bottom.

110g of oatmeal
80g of wholewheat flour
1+1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 pinch of salt
1 grab of shredded coconut
30g of coconut oil, melted, and left for 5 mins
1 egg
120g of honey
1/2 cup of raisin

1. Soak raisin in water and leave for 5-10 mins.
2. In a large bowl, put oatmeal, wholewheat flour,shredded coconut, baking powder, cinnamon and salt, and mix well.
3. In a separated bowl, mix melted coconut oil and egg, then add honey and mix all well.
4. Add 3 to 2, and mix lightly with spatula. Then fold the raisin after getting rid of water and wiping with a kitchen paper. Let it cool in fridge for 30 mins. Preheat oven at 160C.
5. Using two tablespoon or a tablespoon and a small spatula, scoop the dough with a tablespoon, and make a small ball, and place it onto the baking sheet on the tray. You can adjust the shape with a hand quickly but be careful it is sticky. Repeat this until finishing the dough.
6. With a spoon or spatula, push very lightly the top of the balls to flatten a little bit.
7. Bake for 12 mins. Take the oven tray out and leave it for 15 mins, then move cookies to a rack to cool down.

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