
Moisturizing Skin Toner


I realized that it is not very common to use toner to moisturize skin before adding a cream or white lotion to your skin outside of Japan. Also it is not easy to find the skin lotion with the lightness and the herb you like. I use skin toner every morning and evening, so I have been making my own at home since when one of my friends told me she is always making her own one. It takes less than 5 mins to make, you need just 3 ingredients. Be sure to finish a bottle within 2 weeks. Before using on your face, test it on your skin first to be safe.

92g of refined water
8g of glycerin
3 drops of your favorite essential oil *Optional, and avoid any citrus essential oil.

1. Clean a bottle well.
2. Place a bottle on the scale, then place a funnel on the top of the bottle.
3. Add refined water and glycerin through funnel.
4. Add 2-3 drops of essential oil to 3, and shake well.

I tend to use either lavender, tea tree or rose essential oil, or mix two out of them.
If you want to make it lighter, reduce glycerin to 5g with 95g of water, or if you like slightly thicker, increase to 10g with 90g of water. Do not increase glycerin over 10g as too much glycerin works the opposite from what you want and take the moisture from the skin.