
Japanese Tuna Egg Potato Salad


Potato salad is one of the most popular salad in Japan. When my mom made it for us, I couldn’t stop eating. The Japanese website I linked below is very similar to what my mom used to make, but this has great tricks to cook potato with salt, and add apple cider vinegar to potato so that the potato has good taste already before adding mayonnaise.

3-4 potatoes
2 eggs
1 cucumber
half carrot
1/4 onion
1 can of tuna (in olive oil, no flavor)
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
4-5 tablespoons of mayonnaise *highly recommend of Japanese mayonnaise
white pepper

1. Make hard boiled eggs.
2. Peal skin of potatoes, cut in 2-3cm cubes, and boil them with a teaspoon of salt. When the potato is cooked (check with a toothpick), get rid of water, and bring the potato back to a pod, and cook about for a minute to remove any excessive water.
3. With a folk roughly mush potato. Do not much too much, leave chunks. Add apple cider vinegar and mix. Let it cool.
4. Slice thinly onion, cucumber and onion. Add a pinch of salt, and mix well. leave it for 5 mins, then rinse with a water. Squeeze well to get rid of water.
5. Chop boiled egg roughly. Open a canned tuna and get rid of oil.
6. In a large bowl, mix potato, the other vegetable slices, tuna egg, mayonnaise and a few shakes of white pepper. If you would like, add more mayonnaise.

Cpicon ❤みんな大絶賛のポテトサラダ❤コツあり♫ by rie-tin