
How to Make Udon Noodle with Just Flour, Water and Salt


Udon is so much easier and simpler to make than you think. You only need flour, water and salt! And delicious! If you like, you make a lot and you can freeze it.

300g of flour
135ml of water
1 tablespoon of salt
Some extra flour to dust


1. Mix salt and water and make sure the salt is dissolved in the water.
2. In a large bowl or on a counter, put flour.
3. Pour the salt water slowly while mixing the flour with hand, spoon or chopsticks. Try to have water goes evenly throughout the flour. If you see a big piece of flour with a lot of water, break it.
4. At this stage, it could be a bit like crumbs, but that’s ok. Cover the bowl and rest the dough for 10-15 mins.
5. Start kneading. Correct the bits and knead the dough from outside to inside, and push with your hand. Continue to do this until the dough becomes in one big piece.
6. Put the dough in a plastic bag. (I usually do double.) Place on a flat floor, and step onto the dough. (No shoes!)
7. Make small steps about for 15 mins. When the dough becomes thin, take the dough out, and fold it in three layers, then make steps again. Repeat this until the dough becomes smooth and there is no cracks.
*Alternatively, you can do step5 and 7 by using stand mixer.
8. Take the dough out from a plastic bag and make it into a ball. The ball should look smooth. Cover it with a plastic wrap, and rest it for 1-2 hours at a room temperature. (Winter-2 hours, Summer- 1 hour)
9. Take the dough out to a flat surface. Knead the dough a little here. Pull the dough from outside to inside, and flip it with 90 degrees. Do this once more. When you flip the dough, it should look nice and smooth. *Alternatively, you can step on the dough and make small steps for 5 mins.
10. Leave the dough for 5 mins.
11. Dust the working surface. With a rolling pin, flatten the dough about to 3mm thickness. Then dust the surface of the dough.
12. Fold the dough, and cut it in 3mm width (in the width you like). Be minded it will be 1.5 times wider when you cook the noodle.

To cook Udon;
Boil water, and cook for about 10 mins.