
Green Bean with Sesame Sauce”Goma-ae”


“Goma-ae’ meaning sesame sauce is a good vegetable side dish for a Japanese meal, typically green beans or spinach, but it goes well with any kind of vegetables. If you roast sesame with a fry pan and grind it right before cooking, it gives amazing sesame flavor. Alternatively, you can use ground sesame in a pack from a Japanese supermarket. Both white sesame and black sesame work well.

150g of green beans
1 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of sesame (white or black)
1 tablespoon of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of sugar

1. Cook green beans in a boiled water and a teaspoon of salt, about 2-3 mins until it is cooked. Get rid of water and let them cool. Cut into 2-3 each.
2. Roast sesame in a small fry pan, then grind it.
3. In a bowl, mix ground sesame, soy sauce and sugar then add green beans.