
Cabbage and Beef Mille-feuille


Winter cabbage is hard and strong, but if it is cooked, it taste very gentle and sweet. This is what my mom used to make for us. So simple, but taste just so good!

300-500 of thin sliced beef
1 onion, 5mm sliced
1 large tomatos, 5mm-1cm sliced
Salt and pepper
1/3 cup of milk (can be water)

1. Separate cabbage leaves, trim or remove a little where the core is very thick, to make it flat.
2. In a large thick pot, place cabbage leaf as the first layer, then beef as the second, onion as the third layer, then lightly salt and pepper.
3. Repeat step2, this time add sliced tomato between onion and salt and pepper.
4. Repeat step3.
5. Repeat step2 (no tomato) until either it comes to the top of the pod, or you finish beef or cabbage.
6. Cover the top with Cabbage.
7. pour the milk from the top of the cabbage, then cover with the lid.
8. Turn on the stove with low heat, cook for 1 hour or until cabbage is soft.
9. When cooked, it is ready to serve. Cut like a whole cake, serve carefully with a spatula or cake server.