
How To Cook Sushi Rice In A Pot (without a rice cooker)


We just moved to Canada from New Zealand a month ago, and  I don’t have a rice cooker yet. I was craved for sushi rice today so I decided to cook rice in a normal pot. I was really happy with the result so I thought it is worth to share.

2 “Go” (=300g) of Sushi rice  *1 “Go” is 180ml and 150g of rice
420g of water

1. Add rice in a bowl, and pour water (not the 420g water) to cover rice enough. With a hand, mix the rice in the water gently. You see the water becomes milky. Drain the water off carefully. Repeat this about 3 times.
2. Add water to cover the rice completely. Leave the rice for 30-60 mins.
3. Drain the water off with a strainer, and put the rice in a pot. Add 420g of water.
4. Cover the pot and turn on the heat. First, the heat should be about the medium until it gets boiled.
5. Once it is boiled, turn the heat down to the low, and cook for 13 mins. Do not open the cover.
6. Open the cover once only very quickly, and check if there is no remaining water.
7. Cover the pot again, and leave it for 10 mins. Do not open during this process.
8. Lightly mix the rice to get fluffy texture.