
Lemon Tart (Lemon curd)


We love lemons, this is why this website has quite a few recipes using lemons. We had a lemon Mayor tree in NZ, which produced a lot of lemons throughout a year. Lemon mayors have gorgeous fragrance. Lemon tart is my very favorite cake using lemons.

To make a lemon tart, you make an almond tart linked below, and lemon curd. You can use lemon curd on toast, pancakes, biscuits or anything else too! You can make lemon curd a day before making a lemon tart.

Link to Basic Sweet Tart Crust and Almond Cream Filling

Lemon Curd Recipe

1 lemon
1 egg, whisked
60g of sugar
50g of butter, cut in small cubes

1. With a grater, zest a lemon. Make sure to zest just the skin, not going to white skin which is bitter.
2. Squeeze lemon to get 50ml of lemon juice. If not enough, use 2 lemons.
3. In a small pot, melt butter and sugar with a minimum heat on stove. Avoid getting boiled. If it becomes too hot, turn the stove off, or move the pot away from the stove.
4. Add lemon zest and juice.
5. Move the pot away from the stove making sure it is not boiled, add egg mixing well.
6. Move the pot back to stove with the minimum heat again, and mix well until it becomes thickened.
7. Strain the lemon curd and let it cool.

To Assemble Lemon Tart

This is the last step, you just spread the lemon curd on almond tart!
You can decorate with crushed pistachio or whipped cream as you wish.