
Simplest Tomato Sauce


Our garden in New Zealand produced many many tomatoes in summer, and I used to make this tomato sauce almost every week. This is the simplest recipe of tomato sauce I ever did, and the most useful as you can add any flavor you like later. You just need tomatoes and basil leaves. Simple is the best!

2kg of tomatoes *You can use tomatoes as much as you like.
Basil leaves

1. Check tomatoes one by one, removing the rotten, stained or dented ones. Remove the stalks and wash them very well. Cut each tomato in two halves and remove the seeds.
2. Place tomatoes in a large large pot and cook with low heat, covering with a lid. Check occasionally and mix them until they are collapsed and crushed.
3. Transfer to a smaller pot which covers the blade of a hand blender with the tomatoes, and blend tomatoes with a hand blender.
4. If the tomato sauce has already the right density, bottle it. If not, heat the pan and evaporate the water until it gets the right density.
5. Sterilize the jars by boiling them in plenty of water.
6. Put a few basil leaves in each jar. Using a funnel, pour the tomato sauce in the jars leaving about 2-3cm space from the top edge of the jar. Then add a few basil leaves on top and close the jars.
7. When the jars are cold, check the jars are correctly sealed by pressing the centre of the lid. It should feel slightly depressed.