
Cold Potato Soup (Vichyssoise)


I always requested my mom for Vichyssoise on my birthday dinner. My birthday is in July, it is quite hot in Tokyo, and this chilled silky beautiful soup is perfect to start a summer birthday. Leak is not that common in Tokyo, so this is using onion.
To get a rich taste, make sure to use cream, and saute onion (or leak) and potato with butter!

400g of potato, washed, skin peeled
1 onion
25g of butter
500ml of chicken broth * Can be 500ml water and chicken broth cube
300ml of milk
300ml of heavy cream
salt and pepper
chopped parsley or chives

1. Slice potato and onion in 5mm.
2. Saute potato and onion with 25g of butter and salt and pepper in a pot, with a medium heat until onion starts translucent.
3. Add chicken broth, and cook for 15 mins until the potato slices are soft enough.
4. Turn off the heat and let it cool to the room temperature.
5. Process 4 in a food processor until it becomes smooth. Move the mixture into a container and rest it until it becomes cold.
6. Take 5 out from a fridge, and add 300ml of milk and 300ml of heavy cream. Taste it and add salt if it is not enough.
7. Garnish chopped parsley or chives before serving.